بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته Today marks the launch of a new blog spot that I pray that Allah will grant me time and determination to post words that would benefit my fellow Muslims and also those who are interested in knowing more about Islam. So far I have only uploaded one item: الورد المصفّى المختار collected by Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al Faisal Al Soud. I guarantee you insha' Allah that once you've read it it'll become like daily "food to the soul"… and may God guide us all to the straight path. و الله الهادي I am also working on a project called 'The 100% Destiny'. It'll include my own experiences regarding matters of Al Donia (the material world that surrounds us) as well as my days performing Hajj and being there and wishing to never return. I hope that others may find it useful and may find motive in considering performing one of the principles of Islam if they can afford it. I will also add the Holy Quran for listening and for reading insha' Allah. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at ragin.raven@gmail.com if you have any suggestions or contributions to the page. In the end, I hope that this page may be of use to those in need. و الله يهدي من يشاء
May peace be upon your soul, heart, mind & body.. Amen.
I'm so looking forward to this project..
May Allah assist you.. Amen.
Lovely title..
All the best..
If there is anything I can help you with, please do let me know..
Fill me in with the requirements & inshaAllah I'll be there..
With respect,
Posted by
sara |
10:22 AM
And by the way, dunno why, but all the arabic text on this page is unreadable for me.. Maybe it's my computer!!
And even in your other blogs, Your posts don't even show at all!!
Except for the other one where you & someone else write..
And this page doesn't open:
Posted by
sara |
10:51 AM
Thank you for your encouragement and comment. :)
There are no requirements Sara :P If you have any ideas or essay pieces or pieces of do3a2 or whatever, English or Arabic, I would appreciate it if you could lend it so we can use it on the website. We kollo be thawabo be ezn ellah.
Regarding the universal problem with Arabic on my blog pages, it has to do with the encoding. I'm trying to figure out a way to have the solution done automatically by adding a command set to the HTML code but I haven't had enough time lately unfortunately.
Anyways.. To be able to read Arabic:
Firefox users: view/character encoding/unicode UTF-8
Internet Explorer users: View/encoding/unicode utf-8
Looking forward to see your contributions soon.
PS. The link works fine. Anybody else with the same problem, please raise your hand? :P
Posted by
Яαgιи Яαvєи |
7:40 PM
Yippee.. It worked..
Just like you're lost in the woods, & suddenly you find a human bieng just like yourself ;)
Now regarding the supplications.. here goes:
With respect,
Posted by
sara |
8:29 AM
& regarding my ideas, well I have one..
Ummm, it's actually about pictures..
Why don't you post pix (that are related to the topic); in order to give a hint on the spirits there? I went to umrah last summer & happen to have some..
Had to break some laws though, so don't tell nobody :)
No astaghfiruAllah, I told the dude in charge & he allowed me..
Anyhow, I'm no professional.. I meant real nice shots??
Give it a thought..
Posted by
sara |
8:39 AM
Okay, last one..
Another thought of mine..
As he was reborn this hajj (may Allah accept it, amen), he shouldn't really be ragin..
I mean, I know when babies are born, they rage a li'l for coming to this harsh world.. But raven already lived it b4.. So I believe he should be more tranquil, serene & at ease.. And ready to stand tall..
Dunno what goes with raven like ragin.. Maybe sakin?! As if it’s comin from sakeena? Dunno!! (But the a in sakin won't be like the one in ragin:})
Just here to wish you a fresh start, clean, straight & full of all that pleases Him.. Your Lord & mine..
May Allah guide us all to the path that ends in His ferdous.. Amen ya Rabb..
Allah is the Mogheeth, He’s al-Noor.. He’s Allah.. He’s closer than veins..
With respect,
Posted by
sara |
2:35 PM
Hey Sara,
First of all, thanks for the English dua'a link. Keep those coming will ya..
Secondly, I didn't take any photos when I was there, except for my bald head after hajj. :P I would appreciate it if you could send over any ka'aba photos that you don't mind sharing. I searched the internet and unfortunately (and surprisingly) I didn't find any good ones. Maybe it's because photos don't really tell the whole story and aren't the same as actually being there.
Yeah well..
As for my nickname ba2a... I actually considered using my real name. I'd love it if people prayed for me if they found this page useful in anyway... but then again one couldn't be too careful these days huh.
Thanks for your support Sara. Truly appreciated. We kollo be thawabo insha'a Allah. :)
Posted by
Яαgιи Яαvєи |
6:09 PM
Well, first offfffffff, I never meant your real name.. I meant the ragin part..
Secondly, I'll send you some pics inshAllah..
Do you want me to send em with my 'sara effects touch'?! :)
I wouldn't reccomnd that..
You know what, I'll send em as they are & you can play around using photoshop or whatever.. what do u think?!
& oh, where shall I send em?
With respect,
Posted by
sara |
7:53 PM
25 Duas from the Holy Quran:
With respect,
Posted by
sara |
8:15 PM