
    ربّنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنة و في الآخرة حسنة و قنا عذاب النار

    ربّي اشرح لي صدري و يسّر لي أمري و احلل عقدة من لساني يفقه قولي

    اللهم اعنّي على حفظ كتابك يا رب العالمين

    ربّي أسألك البلاغة في الاسلام يا رب العالمين

    اللهم انّي أعوذ بك من فتن الدنيا

    اللهم انّي أعوذ بك من فتن المحيا و الممات

    اللهم انّي أعوذ بك من عذاب القبر

    اللهم انّي أعوذ بك من فتنة الدجال

    اللهم انّي أعوذ بك من نار جهنم

    اللهم انّي أعوذ بك من شياطين الانس و الجن

    اللهم انّي أعوذ بك من قلب لا يخشع

    اللهم انصر دينك يا رب العالمين

    اللهم انصر دينك يا رب العالمين

    اللهم انصر دينك يا رب العالمين

    اللهم اجعل خير أعمالنا خواتمها

    اللهم اجعل خير أعمارنا أواخرها

    اللهم اجعل خير أيامنا يوم نلقاك

    اللهم ثبتنا بالقول الثابت في الحياة الدنيا وفي الآخرة

    اللهم اجعل آخر كلامنا أشهد أن لا اله الا الله وأشهد أن محمدا رسول الله

    اللهم أعنّي على الموت و كربته و القبر و غمّته و الصّراط و زلّته و يوم القيامة و روعته

    اللهم ثبّت قدميّ على الصراط يا أرحم الراحمين

    يا مغيث أغثني من فتن الدنيا

    يا مغيث أغثني من فتن الدنيا

    يا مغيث أغثني من فتن الدنيا

    اللهم ارزقني الرزق الحلال و اصرف عنّي المال الحرام

    اللهم ارزقني زيجة صالحة تعينني على ديني و دنياي و آخرتي و عاقبة أمري

    اللهم ارزقني الذرية الصالحة يا رب العالمين

    سبحانك اللهم ظلمت نفسي فإن لم تغفر لي و ترحمني لأكوننّ من الخاسرين

    اللهم اهدني هداية تامّة يا ربّ العالمين

    ربّي أسألك الجنّة

    ربّي أسألك الجنّة

    ربّي أسألك الجنّة



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ويضرب الله الأمثال للناس


Gorgeous yet humble, black… yet bright, huge yet small…

I leaned later from the bus driver, as he drove away from it, that that was Jabal O7od (Mount Ohod). It's located in Al Madina Al Monawwara, KSA, for those of you who haven’t heard of it before; and no, it's not the one in the picture. I still remember how I felt when I first saw it on my last trip there. I was there before back when I was 10, but then again when you're that young you haven't been exposed to the adult life aka Al Donya. When you're that young, the devil hasn't been able to get to you yet, to make you believe that this is it… this life is yours for the taking.

Yeah well… don't we all love to hear that?

We are adults now aren't we, all mighty in our own deceiving eyes, all welcomed to Al Donya?

I still remember every bit of it… that big mountain. They say that from above, the mountain shapes the word Muhammad in Arabic… I've read about things with the words Allah and Muhammad shaped on them a thousand times. The fish, the tomato, the tree… I've seen them all… in jpg format. But it does so happen that once you actually see something like that with your own eyes, you’d want to keep it forever. That tangerine had to be eaten though or disposed of unfortunately. I did take a picture of it, but what was almost a miracle has now become another jpg file.

On the road from Al Madina to Jeddah, where the airport I took off from is located, all you can see is one black mountain after the next. So black and humble, yet so beautiful. سبحان الله

The one thought that hit me then was a question: How can people in Europe and the Americas, where the most beautiful sceneries in the world are located, still doubt the existence of God? أفلا يتفكرون

Allah said in the Quran that mountainsالرواسي و الجبال are created to set an example to people. As big as they are, they can still be brought down to the ground out of fear from the Al Mighty. من خشية الله They're there to make man understand that even though man thinks he's the king of his own world, he still is small and insignificant.

Atheism numbers today would shock the people who lived a thousand years before dinosaurs.

يا سبحان الله... تهدي من تشاء

ربنا بيحط غشاوة على الأبصار و الأسماع و القلوب

They have waterfalls and meadows. They've invented robodog… and still they doubt the one thing that matters.

اللهم احفظنا من الضلالة

The pyramids, the acropolis, the Yemeni ancient houses build inside mountains قوم عاد, the Mayan ruins, and more and more leftovers of civilizations that lived thousands of years from today. We look at them in awe, take a couple pictures, and get on a plane back home. Allah said in His book that those ruins will be left there to signify some truth, to make people who are still alive understand that there was once a civilization that disbelieved in God… and He sent for an earthquake, a flood, a rumbling, to punish them, to give them what they deserved and take away what they didn't. Examples, examples, and more.

In Egypt, we use the ancient ruins for tourist attraction. We serve wine and offer gambling opportunities nearby to add more to our country's GNP. اللهم احفظنا

Yeah well, I just thought I should share this one.

يهدي الله لنوره من يشاء.. ويضرب الله الأمثال للناس.. والله بكل شيء عليم

Tell you something?
But don't get upset.. Please..
I still didn't get the picture!
I mean I can't tell what it is!
Muhammad? written on what exactly?

With respect,

Yostafandy aka Yousofy aka tangarine..
It looked clearer before I ate it. Oh well..
I wouldn't call that kind of thing as أمثال examples set by Allah. They're not as striking as everything God has created... and not as touching as reading the Quran and feeling that God is actually talking to you through His verses, but every now and then they bring you comfort I guess.

When I was 11, back in Abu Dhabi, UAE, I went fishing with a friend of mine at a pier over there. I couldn't help but notice that during Athan Al Asr all the small fish in the water lined up like they're actually performing prayer.

هو الله الخالق البارىء المصور له الأسماء الحسنى يسبح له ما في السماوات والأرض وهو العزيز الحكيم

سبحان الله

I think I say yosafandy.. Or was it yostafandy? Can't remember!!

How beautiful Allah's creation is!! I think it's beauty lies in it's diversity.. And in it's diversity, I see unity.. Best part is, ALlah is ALlah...

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